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"Explore the Wondering Nature"
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The might Ruaha, and what an area! Rivers, Mountains, plains, rock kopjes, swamps, dense woodlands, open savannah spread out across an immense landscape that has barley been touch by man. Wooded hillside, many with rounded granite outcrops and scatterings of huge baobab, are dissected by sandy, rock strewn seasonal rivers and streams running down to meet flood plains and seasonal swamps, many of which end up in the great Ruaha River.

Seasonal rivers are lined by scattered groves of palms, thorn trees, fig trees and sausage trees providing mid-day shade for all sorts of wild animals. They are key features to enjoy during game drives, especially during the dry season when only pools remain or the elephants have to dig in the sand for water. This is Africa of a bygone era-the world as it was before modern man.

The only perennial river is the Great Ruaha River, which flows along the southeast boundary, but even this becomes only a trickle in place at the end of the dry season in October.


Wildlife is especially varied because of the overlap of eastern and southern Africa wildlife zones, so besides regular big game such as elephants, buffaloes, and plain animals, the more unusual species such as the antelopes like sable, roan, greater and lesser kudu are quite common and wild dogs are often encountered. Ruah is a great place for the big cats lion, leopard and cheetah.

Birdlife is also understandably rich. In fact outstandingly so with over 550 species having been recorded, and an enormous variety of birds of prey. Perhaps the most abiding joy of Ruaha is the wild, character of the land within which so many animas roam. It is a land of starry nights, cool morning and baking mid-day heat. A land of monumental storm during the rainy the raining season, and desiccating wind during the dry season. This is Africa that sets its mood on you and from which it is turf to turn away, and one that you never forget. This is so worth the long journey to get here, be it by air or road.


  • Game viewing by vehicles, these is done on well-maintained network of roads
  • Walking safari accompanied by well -trained guides and approved armed park ranger.
  • Night game drives in approved camps and lodges.
  • Balloon safari


There are a number of lodges and permanent tented camps on the southern part of the park and some within outside park boundaries.

Getting there.

  • Air.

There are scheduled flights into the park mainly from Arusha and Dar es Salaam, and the main airstrip are Msembe and Jongomero.

  • Road.

Driving from Dar es Salaam is about 625 kilometers, and the park is passable throughout the year.

  • Safari ideas.

Ruaha can easily be combined with Mikumi, Nyerere, and Uduzungwa national park to set a tune for African safari, while Katavi big game viewing which is off the beaten track, the wild remote of Mahale Mountains and the famous northern circuit can be combined in very well with Ruaha in most safari itineraries.

Tour Idea to Get you Dreaming.

Our Favorite Tours Showcasing the Best of Ruaha National Park

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This 11-days, the itinerary takes you on a journey through Tanzania’s unrivaled wildlife destinations -Tarangire, the Ngorongoro Crater, the fabled Serengeti, and the breathtaking Ruah national park- to deliver a dramatic and diverse big game safari.

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This safari tour allows travelers to experience the best of Southern Tanzania Parks. Kick off your tour in Selous know (Nyerere National Park before venturing off to the Mikumi National Park where you can discover the mysterious African wild dog

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